Minister within The Ministry of Housing & Water, Susan Rodrigues joined patrons at the Guyana Marriot Hotel for the Gtt’s Night of Hope and Fashion, Pinktober Gala last evening where she had the opportunity to display her modeling skills on the catwalk.

The event forms part of the Gtt’s Breast Cancer awareness fundraiser, as they aim to raise GY$30 million to fight the disease and other forms of cancer.
The models did not fall short of putting on a spectacular show for the audience, as they walked the run-way displaying a range of designs suitable for any occasion.
In a surprise twist, Minister Rodrigues also graced the run-way giving patrons a show-stopping performance, much to their delight.
The funds raised from this event, like other events hosted throughout the month, will be used to raise awareness, screening and diagnosis.
(Extracted and modified from the Minister with the Ministry of Housing and Water)