Police are investigating the alleged murder of 64-year-old Parbhudai Boodhram, also known as Renie, a housewife of Lot 1118 Belle West, West Bank Demerara. The incident is believed to have occurred between 8:00 PM on Friday, January 24, and 8:00 AM on Saturday, January 25, 2025, at her residence.
Investigations revealed that Boodhram lived with her husband, 63-year-old Anthony Alphonso Budhram, also called Tony. While she regularly assisted him at his tailor shop in Georgetown, she would usually return home in the evenings, leaving him to stay at the shop overnight when his workload required it.
On the day of the incident, Boodhram left her home around 10:00 AM to assist her husband at the shop. After completing her work, she returned to Belle West, stopping at a local shop to purchase groceries. The shop owner, who escorted her home, reported seeing her safely enter the yard before departing.
It is suspected that the perpetrator(s) were already hiding in the yard and ambushed Boodhram as she attempted to enter her house. There were no signs of forced entry, suggesting the assailant(s) restrained her inside the home. The victim was tied with plastic cable zip ties and severely beaten.
The house was ransacked, and several valuables were reported missing, including Boodhram’s purse, jewelry, and US$4,000 from a closet. The suspect(s) fled in an unknown direction.
Police ranks who arrived at the scene found the victim’s body and transported it to the West Demerara Regional Hospital, where she was pronounced dead on arrival. The body has since been taken to the Ezekiel Mortuary, where a post-mortem examination is pending.
Detectives visited the crime scene around 10:30 AM on Saturday, questioned several individuals in the area, and obtained useful information. Two persons have been arrested and are assisting with the investigation.