26-years-old Denica Henry of Bloomfield Village, Corentyne Berbice is delegate #1 in the upcoming Miss Guyana Culture Queen Pageant slated for the 24th June at the National Cultural Center. She is ambitious about youth development and currently works in the Social Work field as a Child Counselor.

The News Desk spoke with the young woman as she told us about her participation in Miss Guyana Culture Queen 2023 pageant.
The News Desk – What motivated you to join the pageant?
Denica Henry – I’ve always been someone championing for causes that impact the lives of others and being the change, I want to see in society. I saw the Miss Guyana Culture Queen Pageant as the perfect opportunity to learn more about my history and our roots as a nation. There is so much that we often take for granted, that I don’t think many realize that certain traditions and norms are no longer practiced anymore. It was evident to me that this pageant provides the platform for me to lend my voice to the cause of promoting our way of life and also educating other Guyanese about the importance of appreciating and preserving that which holds us together.
The News Desk – How you felt when you learnt that you were selected among the other contestants.
Denica Henry – I was very happy when I got the email. Felt excited and very confident that I have what it takes to become Miss Guyana Culture Queen 2023.
The News Desk – What you hoping to achieve by participating in this pageant.
Denica Henry – I’ve been using this opportunity to strengthen my modelling skills, practice what I preach as a Youth Ambassador and to learn as much about Guyana’s rich cultural background and at the same time share that information with others. Some things I know, some I don’t and I’m always open to learning. This is also a great opportunity to highlight areas that need further support from Guyanese, the government and other stakeholders with a vested interest in the promotion and preservation of Guyana’s Culture and heritage. I strive to advocate for betterment in these areas such as our cultural tourism, sport tourism, nature tourism and so on.
The News Desk – As one of the first berbicians to participate in this pageant, how that made you feel?
Denica Henry – I feel honored and very determined really. I have always tried to challenge myself, push past self-limiting beliefs and also encourage others to never let their past or where they came from stop them from going after whatever they set their mind to achieving.

The News Desk – How has preparation been for you ahead of coronation?
Denica Henry – It’s been going really well yuh know. The trainer is none other than Guyana’s most experienced Beauty Queen, Mrs Alicia Bess- Anderson who is an absolutely amazing professional to work with. She has been making sure that our stride, posture, smiles; the overall demeanor is intact. Our choreographer Joshua Percival facilitates some very intense sessions that give you a full body workout so while I have not been going to the gym at all, when it’s time to warm up, whew, that’s all the exercise I need lol. You work on arms, legs, thighs, glutes, core, everything. So far, it’s been a very transformational session, both mentally and physically.
The News Desk – What are some challenges encountered so far if any?
Denica Henry – The main challenges have to definitely be trying to find work-life balance and maintain a solid sense of self. It’s not easy having a full-time job, contributing at home and taking care of loved ones who can’t really do much for themselves along with travelling to Georgetown every weekend for months for rehearsals. It was very tough initially. Eventually my supportive family and I developed systems that can cater for my absence and it has been easier to manage.
The other challenge was getting sponsorship to cover the cost of Outfits, traveling and all the expenses that come with being in a pageant. Pageantry is certainly not cheap but I’m passionate about it and the impact you make, you know, so I have to make do with whatever I have and keep the faith that God will cater to all my needs and I should not be anxious for anything.
The News Desk – If you’re to win the pageant, what would be some of the work you intend to focus on?
Denica Henry – Raising awareness and taking action is highest priority on my agenda when I win the title of Miss Guyana Culture Queen 2023.We certainly must do more for our creatives in the outlying areas. I envision the streamlining of performing arts and visual arts in each region. There should be multipurpose buildings available and properly equipped for hosting events like plays, cultural shows, fashion shows, dance rehearsals, facilitating workshops, art and craft exhibitions, etc. This will significantly boost the tourism landscape regionally. Also, the promotion of the different kinds of tourism within the country on posters and billboards and used in more corporate companies’ marketing campaigns is something I would encourage more of. It showcases places of interest and delivers on CSR mandate. I believe as One Guyana, we need to preserve as much of our heritage and practices as possible. Our future generations should see relics of great works and accomplishments of Guyanese more prominently displayed. Our history is one we should seek to know more about, understand and gladly share with the rest of the world. It’s paved the way for so many great accomplishments. Certainly not something we should be ashamed of.
The News Desk – What advice you would give to other berbicians who may be apprehensive about pursuing pageantry?
Denica Henry – Go for it. Everything is scary to pursue if you think about it. But you shouldnt let fear stop you. Pageantry is not for the faint of heart. You have to be prepared physically, financially, emotionally, mentally and most importantly, spiritually. Praying has really helped to keep me humble and grounded during my experiences. Don’t do this thinking it’s just about glitz and glamour because if you’re not careful, you can become famous for good and bad reasons. Pageants are platforms to encourage change and a call to action, to promote important causes, to influence people and should be taken very seriously. You’re not just competing for your sake but representing others. Everyone will be focused on you and your behavior and it can feel intimidating. But don’t let it stop you from being yourself too. Being genuine matters. Who you are as a person both on social media and behind the scenes should be the same person.
The News Desk – What can persons expect to see from you at the finals?
Denica Henry – I’m bringing the berbician out on National Cultural stage come Saturday June 24th. I would definitely encourage you to be there to see what I mean. Get your tickets as soon as possible from either me or the National Cultural Center.
The News Desk would like to take this opportunity to wish Denica Henry every success at the upcoming Miss Guyana Culture Queen Pageant.