Police are investigating a fatal accident which occurred at around 19:00 hrs last evening (Sunday) on the public road at Bee Hive, East Coast Demerara. It involved a motorcar (PAE 7077) owned and driven by a 28-year-old man from ‘C’ Field Sophia Georgetown, who is a Corporal employed with Guyana Defence Force, and pedal cyclist Junior Ernest Richmond, a 56-year-old Fisherman (now deceased) of Lot 374 Bee Hive North, East Coast Demerara.
thenewsdeskgy.com understands that the motorcar was proceeding West along Bee Hive public road at a fast rate when the driver alleges that he saw the pedal cyclist, who was proceeding in the same direction, swerve about five feet in front of him. On seeing that, he pulled North to avoid a collision, but the right side rear of his vehicle collided with the pedal cyclist.
As a result of the collision, the pedal cyclist was flung into a nearby trench on the southern side of the road and received injuries on his body. The driver lost control of his vehicle and also ended up in the trench. The pedal cyclist was picked up by EMT in an unconscious condition and conveyed to the Mahaicony Cottage Hospital, where he was seen and examined by a Doctor and pronounced dead on arrival.
The body was escorted to Memorial Gardens Funeral Home, awaiting a Post-Mortem Examination. The vehicle and cycle were both lodged to be examined by a licensing and certifying officer. Investigation in progress.