A 47-year-old laborer, Ragunandan Singh, also known as “Roy,” lost his life in a tragic incident at Grant 1802, Crabwood Creek, Corentyne, Berbice. The incident occurred around 8:30 AM today, while Singh was reportedly breaking bricks from an abandoned house, a practice he engaged in to crush and sell for construction purposes.
According to reports, Singh was working when a solid concrete floor slab, approximately 10 feet by 12 feet, collapsed, pinning him to the ground and causing multiple injuries.
His 78-year-old mother, Eliza Dhanmattie Stewart, told investigators that Singh had left home around 6:30 AM for work. Two hours later, she was informed of the accident.
Upon receiving the report, law enforcement officers discovered Singh’s body laying motionless. He was photographed by police before being transported to the Skeldon Public Hospital, where Dr. Azeez officially pronounced him dead on arrival. His remains are currently at the Skeldon Public Hospital Mortuary, awaiting a post-mortem examination.
While no foul play is suspected, investigations are ongoing.