Police are investigating the death of Oscar King, a 53-year-old miner of Kumung Kumung Backdam, Puruni River, which occurred on Thursday, December 19, 2024, between 16:00 and 17:00 hours.
Preliminary investigations revealed that King was employed by Paul Holder, a 53-year-old gold miner of 767 Parika Highway, East Bank Essequibo. Holder owns a five-inch land dredging operation at Kumung Kumung Backdam, where King worked alongside four other employees.
On the day of the incident, King and his coworkers were working in a mining pit measuring 40 feet wide, 60 feet long, and 8 feet deep. While working the ‘jet’, the southern side of the pit collapsed, causing a tree to fall and trap King in the pit. He was buried in mud and unable to move.
Coworkers managed to dig him out, but King was found motionless. They awaited the arrival of the police, who later transported his body to the Puruni Health Post, where he was pronounced dead on arrival.
The body is currently at the Bartica Regional Hospital, awaiting a post-mortem examination. Statements have been taken as investigations into the incident continue.