Police in Berbice are investigating the tragic death of seven-year-old Kareena Persaud, a student of Skeldon Primary School. The child, who resided at No. 77 Village Housing Scheme, Corriverton, with her aunt Maharanie Ramnarine, died after an iron gate reportedly fell on her at the Taj Mahal Hotel and Bar in No. 79 Village, Corriverton.
The incident occurred on January 12, 2025, at approximately 8:30 PM.
According to Ramnarine, a 40-year-old manager at the Taj Mahal Hotel and Bar, she has been caring for Kareena since the child was four months old, after her biological mother abandoned her. Kareena’s father, 32-year-old Raysham Persaud, had granted Ramnarine permission to raise the child.
Ramnarine, who moved from Essequibo to Berbice almost a year ago for work, recently rented a house in No. 77 Village. However, due to her job, she and Kareena spent most of their time at the hotel.
On the night of the incident, Ramnarine was closing the doors when she heard Kareena call out. She turned to see the iron gate had fallen on the child. Kareena sustained severe head injuries and was bleeding. The gate, made of hollow-section metal and weighing about 250 pounds, was lifted off the child by Ramnarine and others who rushed to assist.
Kareena was rushed to the Skeldon Public Hospital, but she was pronounced dead on arrival.
Police were informed and visited the hospital, where detectives observed a cut on Kareena’s forehead during an examination of her body. The scene at the hotel was processed and photographed, and investigators have identified several CCTV cameras for review. Statements have been taken as the investigation continues.
The incident was reported to the police at approximately 11:00 PM on January 12, 2025.